API Reference

Returns the summary details of a company along with their approvals. The company summary includes basic company details and the list of approvals for the company.

Integrating the Company Summary API

By integrating the Company Summary API, partners can offer valuable financial insights and management tools directly within their own applications. This integration enhances the overall client experience by providing detailed insights into their financial relationship with Lendica. Partners can develop components within their applications to display Lendica credit details for their customers.

Example Integration Workflow

  1. If you are using iBranch, ensure that lendica.init() is called before making this request.
  2. Request Company Summary Data: Make a GET request to the Company Summary API endpoint using the partner_company_uuid.
  3. Parse Response: Extract and parse the response data to retrieve company details and approvals. The response includes:
    • Company Details: Information such as company status and product statuses.
    • Approvals: A list of approval objects with details about each product's credit approval. If a company hasn't been approved yet, the approvals list will be empty.
  4. Develop UI Component: Create a user interface component in your application that displays the company and approval details. This component should handle displaying company status and product statuses, as well as detailed credit information for each approved product.

API Endpoint

Endpoint: /partner/status/company_summary

Method: GET


  • partner_company_uuid (required): The unique identifier of the company in the partner's system.

Example Response

    "company": {
        "id": "ccb850ac-c3f6-480b-b0d3-d2959dc68d3d",
        "partner_company_uuid": "123456",
        "company_name": "Demo Co",
        "partner_name": "partner_name",
        "status": "approved",
        "paylater_status": "active",
        "fundnow_status": "active",
        "drawdown_status": "active"
    "approvals": [
            "id": "e101e9cf-89d7-4df6-ad8a-ab8989e068f5",
            "active": true,
            "contract_start_date": "2024-01-12",
            "qualified_amount": 31500,
            "funds_available": 18830.850000000002,
            "funds_in_use": 12669.149999999998,
            "number_of_active_deals": 10,
            "product_name": "paylater"
            "id": "1b0808ba-5503-45e1-97d4-db41503c626e",
            "active": true,
            "contract_start_date": "2024-01-12",
            "qualified_amount": 31500,
            "funds_available": 18830.850000000002,
            "funds_in_use": 12669.149999999998,
            "number_of_active_deals": 10,
            "product_name": "drawdown"
            "id": "370753ba-a984-425d-9f9b-aab3b8b74c0f",
            "active": true,
            "contract_start_date": "2024-01-12",
            "qualified_amount": 31500,
            "funds_available": 18830.850000000002,
            "funds_in_use": 12669.149999999998,
            "number_of_active_deals": 10,
            "product_name": "fundnow"

Company and Product Statuses

The response includes various status fields that indicate the current state of the company and its associated products. These statuses are represented as strings for better readability and understanding.

Company Statuses

The status field in the company object represents the current status of the company. Possible values are:

  • lead: The company is a potential client.
  • pending: The company's application is under review.
  • approved: The company has been approved.
  • rejected: The company's application has been rejected.

If the company has a pending status, partners can choose to display that communications will be sent via [email protected], typically within 48 hours, during the underwriting process when closer review is required.

Product Statuses

Each product status field (e.g., paylater_status, fundnow_status, drawdown_status) represents the current status of the respective product for the company. Possible values are:

  • inactive: The product is not active.
  • pending: The product is pending activation.
  • active: The product is currently active.
  • paused: The product is temporarily paused.

Steps to Integrate and Display Data

  1. Request Company Summary Data:

    • Make a GET request to the Company Summary API endpoint with the required partner_company_uuid parameter.
    • Ensure to include the API key in the request header for authentication.
  2. Parse Response:

    • Extract the company object to access company details such as status and product statuses.
    • Extract the approvals array to access credit details for each approved product.
    • If the company has not been approved yet, the approvals list will be empty, but company details will still be available.
  3. Develop UI Component:

    • Create a custom UI component that displays the company details (status, product statuses).
    • Develop additional components or sections within the UI to display credit details for each product approval if available.
    • Ensure the component handles cases where the approvals list is empty by providing appropriate messaging or placeholders.


The Lendica Partner API provides a robust and secure way for partners to access and manage their clients' credit and deal details. By integrating the Company Summary API, partners can offer detailed financial insights and manage their clients' financial relationship with Lendica more effectively. This integration enables partners to develop custom components that enhance the user experience by providing real-time financial data and credit information.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!