API Reference

Submit a bill for PayLater.


This endpoint processes a partner bill for the Lendica PayLater program. The request body should include the bill details, company details, and partner name. For batch deals with multiple bills for the same customer, a master bill will be the total of all child bills. The child_bills property in the bill object can be used to include multiple child bills under a master bill.
Configuration Options:

  • Disbursement Configuration (pay_partner_platform):
    • If set to true, Lendica will disburse the funds to your platform's bank account instead of the vendor's bank account.
    • The vendor of the bill can be a different party, but funds will be paid to your platform.
  • Repayment Configuration (collect_from_partner_platform):
    • If set to true, Lendica will collect repayments from your platform's bank account instead of from the customer's bank account.
    • Your platform will be responsible for collecting repayments from the customer.
  • Partner as Vendor (partner_is_vendor):
    • If set to true, it indicates that your platform is also the vendor of the bill.
    • In this case, the vendor details are not required in the request body.

Authentication: Include your API key in the Authorization header using the format Api-Key {your_api_key}.

Fetching Deal Status


View the Deal Status API documentation here:

GET Deals

After creating a PayLater deal, you can handle business logic based on the deal's status.

  • API Endpoint: /partner/status/deals (from Lendica's Status API)
  • Data Required: partner_company_uuid and partner_invoice_uuid to identify the customer and bill.


  1. API Request: Send a GET request to Lendica's /partner/status/deals endpoint with the partner_company_uuid and partner_invoice_uuid.
  2. Data Retrieval: Lendica responds with the deal details.
  3. Integration Logic: Use this information within your platform to handle the relevant logic.
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