API Reference

Retrieve bill details. If a specific bill UUID is provided, retrieve details for that bill. If no UUID is provided, return a list of all bills.

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The /company/bills/ endpoint is designed to fetch bills (AR invoices) details from a partner's system. This endpoint supports two main functionalities:

  1. Retrieve details for a specific bill when an ID is provided.
  2. Retrieve a list of all bills associated with the company if no ID is provided.

This flexibility supports both transaction-specific operations and broader underwriting processes.

When Will Lendica Call This Route?

When the PayLater button is installed properly, clicking it should open a screen like this.

Lendica uses this endpoint to retrieve Bill details for a PayLater event.

Lendica will call this endpoint in the following scenarios:

  1. Transaction-Specific Retrieval: When a user clicks on the PayLater button associated with a specific bill, Lendica will call this route with the specific partner_invoice_uuid to fetch the details of that invoice.
  2. Underwriting: Lendica may call this route without a specific partner_invoice_uuid to fetch a list of historical bills associated with the company. This data aids in the underwriting process, helping to assess the creditworthiness and financial stability of the company.


Requests to this endpoint should be authenticated using the company's API key (partner_token) retrieved from the GET /company/token endpoint.


To Retrieve a Specific Bill:

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • URL: /company/bills/
  • Query Parameters:
    • partner_invoice_uuid: The unique identifier of the invoice Lendica wishes to retrieve.

To Retrieve a List of All Bills:

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • URL: /company/bills/
  • Query Parameters: None required.

Required Fields in Response

The response must be a JSON object. If retrieving a specific invoice, the object should represent the invoice. If retrieving a list of invoices, the object should be an array of invoices.

Each invoice object must contain the following fields:

  • partner_invoice_uuid: Unique identifier for the invoice in the partner's system.
  • tax: The tax amount on the invoice.
  • subtotal: The subtotal of the invoice, excluding tax and shipping.
  • shipping_total: The total shipping costs on the invoice.
  • total: The total amount of the invoice, including tax and shipping.
  • order_date: The date on which the order was placed.
  • due_date: The date by which the invoice must be paid.
  • company: An object containing details of the company.
    • partner_company_uuid: Unique identifier for the company in the partner's system.
    • company_name: The name of the company.
  • vendor: An object containing details of the customer.
    • partner_company_uuid: Unique identifier for the customer in the partner's system
    • company_name: The name of the customer's company.

Example Response

NOTE: For a complete example of a response with all possible fields and types, click on the "EXAMPLES" dropdown to the right and select the 200 status code. Alternatively, scroll down to the bottom and click on the 200 response.

{ "partner_invoice_uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "tax": 50.00, "subtotal": 950.00, "shipping_total": 20.00, "total": 1020.00, "order_date": "2023-10-25T14:30:00Z", "due_date": "2023-11-01T14:30:00Z", "company": { "partner_company_uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174111", "company_name": "Acme Inc." }, "vendor": { "partner_company_uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174222", "company_name": "Customer Inc." } }
Query Params

Unique identifier for the bill. If provided, the details for this specific bill will be retrieved.





Bill not found


Internal Server Error

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