API Reference

Backend Integration


Review the Backend Integration Overview

After completing the frontend integration, the backend integration phase enables iBranch to access real-time data from your system, allowing your users to receive live financing offers based on their actual business data. This integration is crucial for providing accurate and personalized financing options through PayLater and FundNow.

During this phase:

  • Provide API Endpoints: You'll need to create and expose a set of API endpoints that Lendica can use to securely retrieve necessary data from your system, such as company information, invoices, and bills.

    • Endpoint Specifications: Refer to our Backend Integration Overview for detailed information on the expected endpoints, required functionalities, and data structures. This documentation outlines the API routes that Lendica expects its partners to provide.
  • Data Security: Ensure that all data exchanged via these endpoints is handled securely, adhering to industry standards for data protection and privacy. Implement authentication and authorization measures to protect your data.

  • Testing and Validation: We'll work collaboratively to test these endpoints. This may involve:

    • Providing Access: Supplying Lendica with access to a test or sandbox environment where we can safely perform integration tests without affecting your production data.

    • Data Verification: Ensuring that the data retrieved by Lendica matches the data in your system accurately and is up-to-date.

    • Error Handling: Implementing proper error responses for scenarios like missing data, authentication failures, or server errors.

By providing these endpoints, you enable Lendica to:

  • Fetch Real-Time Data: Access live data necessary for underwriting and generating financing offers.
  • Offer Tailored Financing Options: Provide your users with financing options that are personalized to their business's financial situation.

This backend integration is essential for enabling live offers in PayLater and FundNow, allowing your users to access real financing options based on their business data..

Note: The Backend Integration Overview documentation uses OpenAPI schema to detail the expected API routes and data structures. It's important to understand that this represents the endpoints your platform needs to provide to Lendicaโ€”not the other way around. Our goal is to establish a clear and standardized method for integration, minimizing misunderstandings and ensuring a smooth onboarding process.