API Reference

Getting Started

  1. Onboard with Lendica to receive your partner name and credentials for our development environment.
  2. Choose your integration path (Vertical SaaS or eCommerce).
  3. Follow the guide for your chosen integration method.
  4. Test the integration using the provided demo credentials.
  5. Work with Lendica to finalize the backend integration and go live.

1. Before You Start

Have You Talked to Our Onboarding Team?

Before diving into the integration process, ensure you've connected with our onboarding team to clarify your exact needs. If you haven't yet, reach out to us for assistance.

2. Who Are We and What Do We Offer?

At Lendica, we provide embedded finance solutions designed to help businesses access flexible financing through integrations with vertical ERP SaaS platforms and marketplaces. You can learn more about us and our offerings by visiting our website or talking to our team directly.

3. Who Are You and What’s Recommended for You?

If You’re a Vertical ERP SaaS Platform (i.e., Not a Marketplace):

Recommended Solution: iBranch

iBranch is our embedded finance solution for vertical SaaS platforms. It allows your users to access flexible financial products like PayLater, FundNow, and DrawDown, integrated directly into your platform’s interface.

If You’re a Marketplace or Payment Platform:

Recommended Solution: Checkout

Checkout is our solution designed for eCommerce marketplaces and payment platforms. It provides a seamless financing option during the checkout process, improving the purchasing power for your customers.

4. Getting Started with Your Integration

Once you know which solution is right for you, follow the relevant integration guide.

iBranch Integration

iBranch allows you to embed financing products directly into your platform. Here’s a guide to get started:

  1. Frontend Integration Guide

  2. Backend Integration Guide

    • To enable live financing offers (rather than previews), this guide helps you integrate Lendica with your system’s API to access real bill, invoice, and company data.
    • Backend Integration Guide for iBranch
  3. Further Customizations

Checkout Integration

Checkout is designed to enhance the purchasing experience for eCommerce platforms and marketplaces by offering financing options at checkout.

Review the Checkout Quickstart guide

5. Glossary of Terms

To avoid confusion, here are key terms you’ll come across in this documentation:

PartnerRefers to your platform (the entity integrating with Lendica).
CompanyRefers to the end user who will be borrowing funds via your platform.
iBranchThe embedded finance solution for vertical SaaS platforms, offering PayLater, FundNow, and DrawDown.
CheckoutThe embedded PayLater solution for eCommerce platforms and marketplaces.
PayLaterA product that allows companies to pay vendors later by financing their bills.
FundNowA product that lets companies receive cash advances on outstanding invoices.
DrawDownA revenue-based financing option that gives companies access to a flexible line of credit.
Partner NameThe identifier for your platform in Lendica’s system.
Partner Company UUIDThe unique identifier for your customers within your platform.

6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is iBranch?

    • iBranch is Lendica’s embedded finance solution for vertical SaaS platforms, offering PayLater, FundNow, and DrawDown products.
  2. What is Checkout?

    • Checkout is our financing solution designed for eCommerce marketplaces and payment platforms, offering financing options during the purchasing process.
  3. What’s the difference between demo mode and live offers?

    • Demo mode shows preview offers based on passed amounts, while live offers require backend integration to access real-time data.
  4. Do I need backend integration for DrawDown?

    • No, DrawDown is available once frontend integration is complete and does not require backend integration.

For additional questions, refer to the full FAQ section here.