API Reference

Backend Data Integration

The iBranch gives customers access to Lendica's full range of financial products from just four initial credentials:

  • partner_name - The name of the partner service - you will receive this during onboarding.
  • partner_company_uuid- The unique ID of the company in the partner system
  • company_name- The name of the company
  • partner_token- An API key that can be used to retrieve company and invoice data

This page covers the three simple steps to ensure a successful integration.

Step 1 - Demo Account

Partner systems should create a demo account for Lendica on a sandbox server to test the integration. The account created for Lendica should have a company_name and partner_company_uuid that Lendica can use to initialize the company in our system.

Step 2 - API key

There are two main flows for partner API integrations, depending on the configuration of your system:

Universal Token

Lendica may receive a static universal API Key that can authenticate requests for company and invoice data from partner APIs using object IDs. In this case, the partner_token variable in the initial credentials can be left blank. Lendica will store this key in our environment and use it to authenticate requests to partner APIs.

An example request may be:

GET /api/company/{partner_company_uuid} to get company details, authenticated using Lendica's universal key.

Per-Company Tokens

If the existing API uses different API keys for each company, this key should be either:

  • sent in the lendica.init() credentials in the field partner_token
  • available via an API endpoint that Lendica is authorized to request

Step 3 - Test and Go Live

Lendica will develop the backend integration, and send partners the initial credential format to be used on the sandbox server. After a short period of testing on the sandbox server, we are ready to go live!

Refer to the next section for initializing iBranch with partner credentials.